Attention: Entrepreneurs

Are you prepared to “thinc” about a new way to grow your revenue?  

Thinc provides outsourced sales, business development and market research services that will save you time and money.


“Almost every failed entrepreneur… overestimates their ability to generate revenue, or underestimates what it’ll take to start making money…”

–Canadian Business

What is Thinc?

Thinc is your contracted sales and business development team. We provide professional sales representation to our small business clients at a fraction of the cost of hiring full time employees.

Thinc works with its clients to create a customized sales process that is reliable, consistent and results-driven. Once tested and proven, we execute the sales process for our clients. We focus on revenue generation freeing up time and resources for our clients to focus on other aspects of their business.

Who is Thinc for?

Thinc is a cost effective alternative to hiring sales employees for companies just starting out. It also provides a flexible solution for more established firms wanting to explore new opportunities or launch new products affordably. Our clients typically engage us to solve three common pain points.

  • Small Business Owners that are looking for professional sales representation at a fraction of the cost of hiring an employee.

  • Small Business Owners with limited or no time to devote to sales as they are tasked performing other functions within their company..

  • Small Business Owners whose expertise lies in areas other than sales and will benefit from focusing on core competencies.

Interested? Let’s connect.

Get in touch.